
This is where the prompts will be posted, ideally within 24 hours of being released via email.  The link (above) for Opt-in will allow you to sign up for the email prompts if you'd like to get them automatically.  Please note that some of the prompts will have swear words in them, and yes, I am grammatically challenged!

Prompts (latest is at the top)

6. Holidays

  • If you could replace the traditional December holidays with one of your own design, what would it be and how would it be celebrated?

5. Genie in a bottle

  • What if, with the snap of your fingers, you could eliminate three (3) things from our world?  What/who would they be?  (No, world hunger isn't an option for this one...)

3. The reason for the season

  • Often, we tell stories of the best gift we ever received as a kid.  What about the worst gift? (prompt courtesy of @BrandeewineB

2. Family 'Tis the season for family gatherings

  • Who do you most dread having to see at family gatherings, and why?

1. Facebook, or as we call it in our house - Fessebook:  

  • How many “friends” do you have on FB? 
  • How many would you have if you actually had to hang out and interact with them regularly? 
  • Who would be the first to go, and why?